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What's On


Priority Prayer

Our priority prayer meeting is essential to the life of the church. Two groups meet every other Tuesday at 10:30am and 7:30pm. We treat prayer as a joy and a privilege and find our prayer meetings to be truly edifying times as we seek the Lord together.


Bible Study

As Ezra 'devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws' so we believe that Bible study is essential Christian practice. We meet together every other Tuesday at 10:30am & 7:30pm (alternating with Priority Prayer) to understand and apply God's word.


Tots Playgroup

Lindfield Tots playgroup has been a fixture in the village for many years and has served many families. Parents, Grandparents and carers are welcome with their 0-4 year olds (pre-schoolers) to join the group from 10am - 11:30am every Friday during term time. It's always friendly, welcoming and safe. Enjoy refreshments, activities for little ones, and even a Bible story or song for the children. And it's always free.


Art and Crafts Group

Our Art and Crafts group meets on Wednesdays in the church building. It's a great chance to enjoy quality time together and indulge our creativity as an expression of being those made in the image of a creator God.



Whole Church Study and Prayer

Priority Prayer and Bible Study serves the needs of our members by providing a morning and an evening option. We also believe it's important to pray and study as a whole church family and once a month from 7:00 - 8:00pm (between March and October) to worship and seek the Lord by bringing our prayers and petitions before him, driven by a devotional Bible study.

Lindfield Evangelical
Free Church

07938 036 265 |

1 Chaloner Road, Lindfield, West Sussex, RH16 2NQ

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©2023 Lindfield Evangelical Free Church. Affiliated with the FIEC.

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